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Our History - Introducing the history of SCGR with background information and photographs.

History of SCGR

April 2004: Sumitomo Corporation Research Institute, Ltd. established

The Market Operations Department and Information Research Department of Sumitomo Corporation were integrated to form the company's in-house think tank.

Sumitomo Corporation Research Institute, Ltd. is established.

The organization has three departments: the General Affairs Department, the Market Operations Department, and the Information Research Department.

January 2005: Published the first issue of Techno Trends

April 2005 organizational change

The General Affairs Department will be given a planning function and renamed as the Planning General Affairs Department.

The Market Research Department was separated into the Domestic Market Department, Overseas Market Department 1, and Overseas Market Department 2 (a five-division structure consisting of the Planning General Affairs Department, Domestic Market Department, Overseas Market Department 1, Overseas Market Department 2, and Information Research Department).

April 2005: Sumitomo Corporation Regional Headquarters and Research Department/Sumitomo Corporation Research Institute intranet launched.

June 2005: First Sumisho Research Institute Seminar held

The name was changed to "SCGR Seminar" and is still ongoing.

October 2005: The first issue of the Sumitomo Corporation Group internal booklet "Soken Business Trends" was published.

Sumitomo Corporation Group's internal booklet "Soken Business Trends" first issue
* Publication ceased with issue 16 in April 2008

December 2005

● First issue of "Sumisho Research Institute World Focus" published

"Economic Trends," a publication from the days of the Information Research Department of Sumitomo Corporation, is revamped into "Sumisho Research Institute World Focus" and the first issue is published.

The first issue of the Sumisho Research Institute World Focus and the launch of the Sumisho Research Institute News Flash are published. The sixth Sumisho Research Institute seminar is held: "Economic Outlook for 2006."
Publication ceased in March 2014 (No. 88)

Start of "Soken News Flash"

We will take this opportunity to increase the amount of content we publish, but we will not go into details below.

The 6th Sumisho Research Institute Seminar begins the presentation of "Economic Outlook for 2006" *

*Our later major seminar, "World Situation and Economic Outlook"

April 2006 organizational change

● Establishment of the position of Director

● China Department established, separated from Overseas Markets First Department

Six divisions: Planning & General Affairs Division, Domestic Market Division, Overseas Market Division 1, Overseas Market Division 2, China Division, and Information Research Division

July 2006: "Sumitomo Corporation Research Institute Information" begins to be posted on the top page of the Sumitomo Corporation intranet.

May 2007 Reorganization

The New Technology Promotion Office was established, separated from the Information Research Department.

The company will be restructured into six departments and one office: Planning General Affairs Department, Domestic Market Department, Overseas Market Department 1, Overseas Market Department 2, China Department, Information Research Department, and New Technology Promotion Office.

April 2008 organizational change

Overseas Markets Department 1 and Overseas Markets Department 2 were integrated to become Overseas Markets Department.

The company will be restructured into five departments and one office: Planning General Affairs Department, Domestic Market Department, Overseas Market Department, China Department, Information Research Department, and New Technology Promotion Office.

May 2008 Reorganization

The China Department was integrated into the Overseas Markets Department.

The company will be restructured into four departments and one office: Planning General Affairs Department, Domestic Market Department, Overseas Market Department, Information Research Department, and New Technology Promotion Office.

June 2008

● Organizational change: New Technology Promotion Office merged into Information Research Department

The company will be restructured into four departments: Planning General Affairs Department, Domestic Market Department, Overseas Market Department, and Information Research Department.

The first issue of the quarterly in-house magazine "Sumisho Soken BusinessEYE" was published, replacing "Souken Business Trends."

The first issue of the quarterly in-house magazine "Sumisho Soken BusinessEYE" was published.
*Publication ceased with the Spring 2014 issue.

April 2010 organizational change

The Domestic Market Department and Overseas Market Department were transferred to Sumitomo Corporation.

Due to organizational reforms at Sumitomo Corporation, the Domestic Market Department and Overseas Market Department were transferred to Sumitomo Corporation. Accordingly, our internal organization was changed from the Planning General Affairs Department and Information Research Department to the Planning General Affairs Department, Economic Research Department, International Research Department, and New Technology Planning Office.

The new structure will consist of three departments and one office: Planning and General Affairs Department, Economic Research Department, International Research Department, and New Technology Planning Office.

May 2013: Complete renewal of intranet

SCGR Intranet

October 2013: Launch of the "NEXT decade" project to consider what the company wants to be like in the next decade

December 2013 organizational change

●The Planning and General Affairs Department has been separated and newly established as the Planning and General Affairs Department and the Public Relations Department from the Planning and General Affairs Department.

The Economic Research Department was renamed the Economic Department and separated from it to establish the Industry Department.

The International Research Department was renamed the International Department. The New Technology Planning Office was renamed the Technology Department and promoted from an office to a department.

The organization will be restructured into six departments: Planning and General Affairs Department, Public Relations Department, Economic Department, Industry Department, International Department, and Technology Department.

April 2014: Company name changed from "Sumitomo Corporation Research Institute, Ltd." to "Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co., Ltd."

Company name changed from "Sumitomo Corporation Research Institute Ltd." to "Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co., Ltd."

May 2014: "SCGR Morning Update" (now " SCGR Daily Update ") launched

"SCGR Morning Update" has been launched, in which analysts and economists announce the day's hot topics in their fields of expertise every business day.

April 2015 organizational change: Technology Department merged into Industry Department

The system will be restructured into five departments: Planning and General Affairs Department, Public Relations Department, Economic Department, Industry Department, and International Department.

June 2015: Started streaming videos of SCGR seminars to the Sumitomo Corporation Group

October 2015: External website launched

January 2016 organizational change: Establishment of the Environment and Energy Research Department

The organization will be restructured into six departments: Planning and General Affairs Department, Public Relations Department, Environment and Energy Research Department, Economic Department, Industry Department, and International Department.

January 2017 organizational change: The Environment and Energy Research Department and the Industry Department were integrated to form the Strategic Research Department.

The organization will be restructured into five departments: Planning and General Affairs Department, Public Relations Department, Economic Department, International Department, and Strategic Research Department.

April 2017 organizational change: Public Relations Department merged into Strategic Research Department

The four departments are Planning and Coordination, Economics, International Affairs, and Strategic Research, which continue to this day.

In September 2018, the office moved from Harumi Triton Square to Otemachi Place.

SCGR Otemachi Place

May 2020 "SCGR Seminar" web seminar begins

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SCGR seminar "World Situation and Economic Outlook" held in December 2020 began live streaming.

SCGR Seminar "World Situation and Economic Outlook" Live Stream
Live streaming in December 2023

July 2022 [PALETTE x Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Collaboration Project]

SC Kaleidoscope live streaming begins.

[PALETTE x Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Collaboration Project] SC Kaleidoscope Live Stream
Live streaming in July 2022

November 2022 : Start streaming analyst presentation videos for the Sumitomo Corporation Group

April 2024: 20th anniversary


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