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Our Data: SCGR in numbers


<<In the Our Data section>>

Our company website was launched at the end of October 2015. We would like to introduce some of the articles that attracted the most traffic at the time, while looking at the changes in page views since then.


In the Our Data section, we launched our website at the end of October 2015. We will introduce the articles that attracted the most views at the time, while looking at the changes in page views since then.

Changes in page views on SCGR's external website

①Featured articles for December 2016

●Published on October 17, 2016 " Coking coal prices soar " (Senior analyst, Economics Department, Naomi Suzuki)

This article explains the background and factors behind the sudden rise in coking coal prices that began in August 2016. It attracted a lot of attention, ranking first in monthly access rankings from the time it was published until February 2017.

●Published on December 14, 2016, " Analysis of the Personnel of Senior Officials in the Trump Administration " (Masahiko Adachi, Senior Analyst, International Affairs Department)

This year, 2024, is a global election year.

Its movements are attracting attention because they will have a major influence on the "transition" of the world. In the past, when the Trump administration was formed following the 2016 US presidential election, personnel analysis data was released early on, and as a result, this article received a huge response from the first day it was published.

②Featured articles for September 2019

●Published on November 28, 2017 " Increasing immigration in Germany and its impact on the economy " (by Isa Murasaki, then-Economics Department analyst)

Regarding the immigration issue, which is currently a major issue in many countries, we will look at the population and other aspects of Germany, the country with the largest immigration rate in Europe.

Explanations are given using data on immigrants' countries of origin, age, occupation, annual income, etc. Interest in the impact of immigration on the economy

The article has received high ratings and continues to receive many hits even now in 2024.

We have also received many requests to quote this article, and it has been featured in educational institutions.

③Featured articles for October 2022

●Published on October 6, 2022 " The Chinese economy remains unstable " (Takayuki Homma, Chief Economist, Economic Affairs Department)

Recently, perhaps reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, negative keywords such as "instability," "tension," and "conspiracy" have been appearing in articles that attract a lot of traffic. This article explains the emerging anxieties using data on GDP, consumption, fixed asset investment, construction, real estate, etc.

●Published on October 14, 2022 " Unstable USD/JPY Exchange Rate and Resilient Japanese Economy " (Masayuki Suzuki, Senior Analyst, Economics Department)

This is also "unstable..." In response to the recent trend of the yen depreciating, Senior Analyst Masayuki Suzuki's articles on foreign exchange have become popular, not just in articles.

Reading the articles from around this time may help you sort out what has happened.


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