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  • 執筆者の写真SCGR management office

[#2 "い"] Treasures Sleeping in the Rock Face: Mount Besshi (by Anonymous)

To commemorate the 20th anniversary, "SCGR Karuta" features thoughts and impressions compiled by SCGR members in the form of karuta.

[Author's thoughts]

[Author's thoughts] During a study trip to Besshi Copper Mine, I was hiking when I found a vein of ore in this very spot in the rock, and that's when I really felt that this is where Sumitomo's history began.

[Selector's comment]

These are thought to be the impressions expressed when the employee visited Niihama and Besshi as part of a regular SCGR in-house training trip, and actually climbed and traversed the Besshi Copper Mine (ruins).

The day before, we had visited the Copper Mine Memorial Museum at the base of the copper mine and gained some knowledge, so the field trip was even more moving (and I think that's self-praise on the part of the organizers).


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